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Beatriz Alexander – President

Experience & Activities

Beatriz Alexander, also known as BB, encourages business owners to form innovative relationships with each other that support the community and benefit their companies. As the CEO of SoCalConnections and InBiz Latino North County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce a 501-C3 Non Profit Org. she believes empowering these strong ties between motivated people, helps them thrive in today’s competitive landscape.
From a young age Beatriz has been a vocal spokesperson and advocate for individuals from diverse backgrounds. Her strong faith in their causes and open minded approach partners people with new opportunities for growth and advancement. Today, her unwavering commitment to service and advocacy has translated into a mission-driven approach to business.
BB leads SoCalConnections and In Biz Latino North County Chamber with empathy and foresight, recognizing the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs across many industries. Constantly seeking thoughtful initiatives, she provides essential services and resources to hundreds of individuals, connecting them with quality referrals and opportunities to catalyze their success.
BB’s remarkable journey leading her to become a respected ally in the business world, is a testament to her resilience, vision, and unwavering dedication to helping others succeed. With her infectious enthusiasm and unwavering commitment to making a difference, BB not only plays a role in shaping future business; but she bridges those companies with the needs of countless communities and customers around the globe.